The construction of a contemporary art exhibition: Cooperation and dilemmas in the Museum of Visual Arts

  • Francisca Ortiz Ruiz Centro de Investigación Sociocultural, Universidad Alberto Hurtado-CHILE
Keywords: Museum, Art, Exhibition, Networks, Artwork


This article problematizes the gestation of a work of art, exposing the invisible practices in developing a contemporary art exhibition. Data is based on an ethnographic study of the installation of the exhibition “Our    Site”    at  the  Museum of  Visual Arts   in  Chile. The  article reveals the  process of  establishing an exhibition in a museum and the notion of montage, and considers the composition of networks and the emergence of  dilemmas which influence a work of  art.    I conclude that    the  gestation of  a contemporary artwork is a process that emerges aesthetically when the result of a collaborative work of various actors is presented in a specific space, and by distinction in its own artistic language.


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How to Cite
Ortiz Ruiz, F. (2017). The construction of a contemporary art exhibition: Cooperation and dilemmas in the Museum of Visual Arts. Autoctonía. evista e iencias ociales istoria, 1(2), 254-268.