EspañolEntrepreneurship, self-employment and unemployment in the Maule Region, Chile between the years 2010-2016

  • Paola I. Escalona Sepulveda Escuela de Contador Público y Auditor, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Universidad de Talca-CHILE
  • Roberto M. Campos Troncoso Escuela de Contador Público y Auditor, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Universidad de Talca-CHILE
  • Felipe E. Arenas Torres Escuela de Contador Público y Auditor, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Universidad de Talca-CHILE
Keywords: Own account, labor informality, unemployment, entrepreneurship


This research demonstrates the correlation between the following variables: self-employment, unemployment rate and the creation of micro-enterprises in the Maule region. Secondary sources were provided by the Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas and from companies whose data is stored with the Servicio de Impuestos Internos of Chile. The main purpose of this research, was to determine whether there are statistical correlations between the unemployment rate, self-employed jobs and the creation of micro-enterprises. According to the revised figures, in the Maule region, there is an inverse relationship between unemployment and self-employment, however the same cannot be said at the level disaggregated by city, nor in the relationship between self-employment and entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite
Escalona Sepulveda, P. I., Campos Troncoso, R. M., & Arenas Torres, F. E. (2019). EspañolEntrepreneurship, self-employment and unemployment in the Maule Region, Chile between the years 2010-2016. Autoctonía. evista e iencias ociales istoria, 3(1), 68-88.