“I do not ask God anything else but to take my life before I see the patriots.” Religion and fear: the emotions of the last realist defenders (1818-1822)

  • David Fuentes Licenciatura en Historia, Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello-CHILE
Keywords: Fear; Proclamations; Royalists; Religion; Ideology


The  royalist  resistance,  which  has  existed  in  Chile  since  1818-1822,  is  a  process  little examined  in  Chilean  historiography.  The  importance  of  this  post-independence  period has  typically  been  centered  on  the  government of Bernardo O’Higgins. Less well-known are the impact of the royalist resistance at the national level, as well as the emotions of these men andwomen who defended the last vestiges of the Monarchy in South America. This article examines fear as the most important emotion felt by the men and women of the resistance, a fear which was highly inflected with Christian ideas and meanings. The article first describes the security that Christianity provided to faithful royalists. Furthermore, it explores the divine fear that they suffered from two perspectives: on the one hand, a fear which was associated with patriots as heretics and enemies of the Monarchy and the Christian religion and, on the other hand, an internal and personal fear of betraying the political system as understood to be elaborated by God


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Fuentes Primarias

Archivo Bernardo O’Higgins:

Volumen XII

Archivo Nacional Histórico de Chile (ANHcH)

Fondo Ministerio de Guerra:

Volumen 52

Volumen 101

Volumen 16

Fondo Intendencia de Concepción

Volumen 6

Volumen 33

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How to Cite
Fuentes, D. (2017). “I do not ask God anything else but to take my life before I see the patriots.” Religion and fear: the emotions of the last realist defenders (1818-1822). Autoctonía. evista e iencias ociales istoria, 1(2), 269-283. https://doi.org/10.23854/autoc.v0i2.43