Climate change and global warming: the contribution of extra-Antarctic regulatory systems to protect Antarctica

Keywords: Antarctica – climate change – global warming


The effects of climate change, both in Antarctica and elsewhere, reveal the urgency of implementing concrete actions by both individuals and institutions. The purpose of this article is to review the existing regulatory framework and the extra-Antarctic aspects of International Law that not only address environmental issues, but also seek to accurately determine the obligations of states in these matters. Thus, using the Antarctic Treaty as a foundation, it is possible to construct a «bridge» between the regulatory systems in order to protect the continent, providing an approach to deal with the pressing climatic reality in order to minimize the negative effects of global warming.


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How to Cite
Villamizar Lamus, F. (2024). Climate change and global warming: the contribution of extra-Antarctic regulatory systems to protect Antarctica. Autoctonía. evista e iencias ociales istoria, 8(2), 1159-1194.