Convergence and breaking points in the Latin American and European avant-garde proyects from the early twentieth century

Keywords: avant-garde networks, indigenist avant-garde, cultural magazines, linguistic renewal, political-aesthetic


The article proposes to articulate a comparative analysis between the European avant-gardes from the early twentieth century, and their link with the Andean avant-gardes from Chile and Perú in the same period. Analyzing the cultural, aesthetic, and political debates established in the cultural networks of the reviews like Amauta or Boletín Titikaka, as well as the European reviews such as MA. In order to understand the convergence and the breaking points in the Latin American reception of the European avant-garde movements during that historical period.


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How to Cite
Guzmán Lagreze, E. (2024). Convergence and breaking points in the Latin American and European avant-garde proyects from the early twentieth century. Autoctonía. evista e iencias ociales istoria, 8(2), 1126-1158.