The teaching couple method as a practicum experience for the development of collaborative performance aimed at co-teaching

Keywords: teaching identity, collaborative work, co-teaching, teaching couple


Collaborative work is one of the challenges that is installed within the Initial Teacher Education from the updates that the public policy in Chile has undergone. For this purpose, this article systematizes the results of a research project that resorted to the “pedagogical pair” device in order to promote the development of collaborative performances that contribute to the processes of teacher identity, in students who studied professional practice in the careers of Special Education and History and Geography. For this purpose, their answers were analyzed from two instruments applied at the beginning and at the end of their practice in duo, concluding that the "pedagogical couple" favors the development of collaborative identity processes, expressed in a recognition of the other as a model to follow; as an experience that expands didactic and pedagogical knowledge; and as an experience that allows generating greater security in the exercise of the profession. On the other hand, the results call for greater instances of reflectivity aimed at dismantling positions of power of regular teachers over specialist teachers, positions that constitute an obstacle to the deepening of collaborative and inclusive pedagogical practices.



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How to Cite
Pérez Carrillo, D. J., Nelly, & Amparo. (2023). The teaching couple method as a practicum experience for the development of collaborative performance aimed at co-teaching. Autoctonía. evista e iencias ociales istoria, 7(2), 1222-1262.