A rearticulation of the images that represent the power of dominant gender distinctions through chilean feminist theater

  • Alejandra Morales Muñoz Investigadora independiente, CHILE
Keywords: Contemporary theater, feminism, feminist theather, images, art


Images about the gender represent a powerful mean of social control, which can be to note through a feminist theater, that has opened the possibility to rethink the way in which gender definitions configure our subjetivity, starting by show the ideological nature of these representations. This effect is produced by revisiting the stereotypes that revolve around the gender, developing a critical view of those definitions, that have been decisive for inducing the social role and the psychological disposition of women. This article will approach a set of chileans plays, that in recent years have tried to reconstruct our notion of the feminine, through a visual proposal that activates the critical potential of some signs drawn from the patriarchal culture, and their gender definitions. To do this, we will support on the theory of gender performativity, exposed by Judith Butler, to think of gender as a do that involve a look, which is strategically expressed in the way that costumes, bodies and gestures, are staged to redefine our image of the feminine gender.


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How to Cite
Morales Muñoz, A. (2023). A rearticulation of the images that represent the power of dominant gender distinctions through chilean feminist theater. Autoctonía. evista e iencias ociales istoria, 7(1), 382-415. https://doi.org/10.23854/autoc.v7i1.309
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