Arrebato. The revenge of the images

  • Jose Antonio Aguirre Pombo University of Minnesota, USA
Keywords: Iván Zulueta, contemporary cinema, arrebato, spanish Transition


This essay analyzes the collision between the technological and cultural elements in the Spanish film Arrebato (Iván Zulueta, 1979), to present the film as an aesthetic reflection on the abrupt irruption of audiovisual representation (cinema, television...) to the center of Spanish social life during its Transition to democracy. The political transition is subsumed by an aesthetic transition that results from the progressive convergence between the political system changes and late capitalism. As a result of this novelty, Arrebato transforms into terror the cultural inability to deal with an iconic pluriverse that has liquidated the centrality of written culture. The protagonists of the film are fascinated and involved in an aesthetic transition, an iconic turn, where the images that previously had a symbolic value are now self-referential. On the material basis of the analogic image, Zulueta anticipates the aesthetic and cultural concerns common to immaterial digital reproduction systems.


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How to Cite
Aguirre Pombo, J. A. (2023). Arrebato. The revenge of the images. Autoctonía. evista e iencias ociales istoria, 7(1), 357-381.
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