The windstorm of transgression and singularity in the narratives of Pedro Juan Gutiérrez and Fernando Vallejo

  • Heber Leal Jara "Núcleo de Formación General, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Artes, Universidad Mayor, CHILE
Keywords: Nomadic singularity, transgression, principle of submission, Fernando Vallejo, Pedro Juan Gutiérrez


The purpose of this article is to analyze the political and transgressive content of the narratives of Pedro Juan Gutiérrez and Fernando Vallejo. The method used is the dialogue with previous criticism, the operationalization of philosophical concepts and the textual and intertextual commentary of literary texts; For this, a textual examination is carried out from the philosophical perspective that includes the contributions of Foucault and Onfray. The results make visible the singular displays of form and content present in a representative corpus of selected texts by these Latin American writers of the 20th century. From this study, mechanisms and backgrounds of power and transgression are decanted that connect fiction with the regional reality of the writers addressed. It is concluded that these narratives express the nomadic singularity and the transgression in the voice of their narrators who contradict the principle of submission.


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How to Cite
Leal Jara, H. (2023). The windstorm of transgression and singularity in the narratives of Pedro Juan Gutiérrez and Fernando Vallejo. Autoctonía. evista e iencias ociales istoria, 7(1), 323-356.
Dosier "Imagen y Poder: representaciones, discursos y política en Ibero-América"