Two trends in the conformation of aesthetic nationalism in Argentina. The contributions of the Mendoza artists Fernando Fader and Vicente Lahir Estrella to the debate on national art

  • Pablo Chiavazza Instituto de Historia del Arte, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo-Argentina
Keywords: Argentine art, Aesthetic nationalism, Aesthetic ideology, Fernando Fader, Vicente Lahir Estrella


This article comparatively explores two provincial aesthetic trends that participated in the debate on the definition of the scope and limits of the artistic field at the time of definition of aesthetic nationalism in Argentina in the first decades of the 20th century. The intention is to contrast the aesthetic ideas of two interior artists: Fernando Fader and Vicente Lahir Estrella. The first erected as a monument of national art since its consecration in the capital of the country; the second practically forgotten despite its importance in the formation of the first modern artistic institutions in the province of Mendoza. Without confronting each other controversially, both artists represented, within the framework outlined by aesthetic nationalism, divergent proposals and to a certain point opposed to the forms that Argentine art should adopt, proposals that were necessarily crossed and structured by the political positions they assumed in the context of the crisis of the liberal city.


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How to Cite
Chiavazza, P. (2021). Two trends in the conformation of aesthetic nationalism in Argentina. The contributions of the Mendoza artists Fernando Fader and Vicente Lahir Estrella to the debate on national art. Autoctonía. evista e iencias ociales istoria, 5(2), 306-316.
Dosier "Representaciones visuales en América Latina. Siglos XIX y XX"