Divine justice: trial and desacralization in the minifictional text. A reading of the work Guillermo Bustamante Zamudio

  • Wilfredo Illas Ramírez Universidad de Carabobo-VENEZUELA
Keywords: Minifiction, Reading, Judgment, desacralization and hermeneutics


Regarding the mini-text Divine Justice belonging to the book Oficios de Noé by the Colombian writer Guillermo Bustamante Zamudio, an attempt is made to parody the legal discourse in order to question the comprehensive processes involved in the mini-fiction reading and thereby reveal themes, strategies and meanings. The purpose is to understand the entire hermeneutical circuit that allows the reader to arrive at possible judgments about the coordinates of the universe sustained in the desacralization, the subversive character and the production of narrative tensions that are debated between the absurd, the uncertainty and the playful as symptoms of an always borderline and unstable text. For the treatment of these aspects, a hermeneutical understanding and a phenomenological approach are used based on the proposals of Piglia and Guillén. As results we have a text judged around the fall of all certainties, which becomes the exercise of a detective reading full of riddles, suspicions and persecutions.


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Bustamante, G. (2002): Convicciones y otras debilidades mentales, 1era. Edición, Cali, Deriva ediciones.

Bustamante, G. (2005): Oficios de Noé, 1era. Edición, Bogotá, Común presencia editores.

Bustamante, G. (2007): Roles, 1era. Edición, Bucaramanga, Fondo editorial Universidad Industrial de Santander.

Bustamante, G. (2016): Disposiciones y virtudes, 1era. Edición, Cali, Deriva ediciones.

Guillén, C. (1985): Entre lo uno y lo diverso. Introducción a la literatura comparada, Barcelona, Editorial Crítica.

Piglia, R. (1986). Crítica y ficción, Barcelona, Editorial Anagrama.
How to Cite
Illas Ramírez, W. (2021). Divine justice: trial and desacralization in the minifictional text. A reading of the work Guillermo Bustamante Zamudio. Autoctonía. evista e iencias ociales istoria, 5(1), 127-146. https://doi.org/10.23854/autoc.v5i1.194