Griselda ÁLVAREZ (1918-2009) and her poetic rewrite to the mexican constitution

  • Diana Mejía Hernández Facultad de Derecho-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: Constitution, constitutional law, Griselda Álvarez, Literature, Poetry


This article brings the reader closer to the work carried out in Latin America, specifically in Mexico, by the writer from Colima, Griselda Álvarez, in her Glosa de la Constitución en sonetos within the framework of constitutional law and Literature studies as regards the relationship between poetry and law. To fulfill this purpose, by way of introduction, a brief approach to the alliances between law and poetry is generated that allows us to understand the legal-poetic field, of which the work of the Colima writer constitutes an important contribution. Finally, from the selection of five constitutional articles that were transcribed in sonnets by the poet, a comparative exercise on both redactions is carried out which results provide some reflections about the transition of the technical-legal language contained in said precepts of the Constitution to the poetic language used by the mexican writer.


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How to Cite
Mejía Hernández, D. (2021). Griselda ÁLVAREZ (1918-2009) and her poetic rewrite to the mexican constitution. Autoctonía. evista e iencias ociales istoria, 5(1), 21-37.
Dosier "Derecho y Literatura en Chile y Latinoamérica"