A surgeon in the War of the Pacific: Letter from Juan Manuel Salamanca. (Ica, December of 1880)

  • Patricio Ibarra Cifuentes Centro de Estudios Históricos, Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins-CHILE
Keywords: Chile, War of the Pacific, Personal documents, Medical corps, 19th Century


The 1st surgeon Juan Manuel Salamanca, wrote a letter to his brother Samuel in December 1880, where he described the development of the campaign of Lima during the Pacific War. In it, he expanded on his personal experience in the conflict, as well as serving in the 1st professional ambulance with Chilean army entered to Peruvian capital city in January of 1881.


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How to Cite
Ibarra Cifuentes, P. (2017). A surgeon in the War of the Pacific: Letter from Juan Manuel Salamanca. (Ica, December of 1880). Autoctonía. evista e iencias ociales istoria, 1(1), 183-195. https://doi.org/10.23854/autoc.v1i1.16