Social and religious criticism in the prophet Amós: a prophetic relecture in Latin america

  • Emivaldo Silva Nogueira Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás-Brasil
  • Valmor da Silva Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás-Brasil
Keywords: justice, amos, Latin America, prophet, religion


In this article we will visit, exegetically, the reality where Amos makes his prophetic experience, and how this experience manifests itself exegetically today in the Latin American reality, especially with regard to issues of social injustice. In this sense, it is necessary to understand the conflicts experienced by the prophet Amos and the religious political authorities of Israel in that eighth century BC, which usurped the rights of the poor, widows and orphans. Amos becomes the prophet of social justice, the biblical book bearing his name bears witness to this. As spokesman for the deity of Israel, Amos becomes hard, strict, and imperative. Taking the Amosian context as a reference, we can read the realities of Latin America. By analytical means we will try to understand how the words of the southern lion can be applied to the issues of injustice experienced in South American lands. Our hypothesis is that, whether in the eighth century BC or now in the twenty-first century, biblical experiences are still references when it comes to the struggle for justice, order and morality for men of all times. The order for social justice today and yesterday is still imperative and intimates those who think of a better world.


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How to Cite
Silva Nogueira, E., & da Silva, V. (2020). Social and religious criticism in the prophet Amós: a prophetic relecture in Latin america. Autoctonía. evista e iencias ociales istoria, 4(1), 77-90.
Dosier "Historia de la Iglesia en Europa y América"