Various versions, one fact: narraciones theft in Valparaiso before the courts, in the late nineteenth century

  • Leonardo Gallardo Clavería Licenciatura en Historia, Universidad Andrés Bello-CHILE
Keywords: Speech, intentionality, robbery, victim, violence


This article sets forth an approach to understand the phenomenon of thievery, from the point of view of its protagonists: victims and victimizers. Through a random sample of judicial proceedings on the grounds of theft and robbery, this article attempts an approximation of those voices, paying special attention to the game of intentionalities that is practiced in the instances of court trials. These discourses point to a characterization of the litigants, and to a caricature of the facts.


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Fuentes primarias

Archivo Nacional Histórico de Chile (ANHCH);

Juzgado Criminal de Valparaíso (JUCRVAP)

-Caja 50104, expediente 7

-Caja 50140 expediente 12, 24

-Caja 50041 expediente 17

-Caja 50153, expediente 12, 20

-Caja 50154 expediente 37

-Caja 50041 expediente 1

-Caja 50005 expediente 2

-Caja 50205, expediente 25

-Caja 50142, expediente 3

Fuentes secundarias

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How to Cite
Gallardo Clavería, L. (2017). Various versions, one fact: narraciones theft in Valparaiso before the courts, in the late nineteenth century. Autoctonía. evista e iencias ociales istoria, 1(1), 149-182.