María Soledad González. Victoria Ocampo. Writing, power and representations. Rosario: Prohistoria, 2018, 182 pages.

  • Renzo Sanfilippo Becario CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Rosario-ARGENTINA


This article is a review of a book centered on the figure of Victoria Ocampo, published in mid-2018. Its author is María Soledad González, a professor and graduate in History, as well as a Master's in Social Sciences from the National University of Center of the Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina).


The work enriches the history of intellectuals in Latin America by rigorously analyzing public and private sources written by Victoria Ocampo, from a double perspective that deals with gender and social class. At the same time, it allows to review the actions of one of the main figures of Argentine culture of the 20th century, 40 years after his death and in a context of progress, worldwide, in the struggle for women's rights.


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How to Cite
Sanfilippo, R. (2019). María Soledad González. Victoria Ocampo. Writing, power and representations. Rosario: Prohistoria, 2018, 182 pages. Autoctonía. evista e iencias ociales istoria, 3(2), 303-304.
Book reviews