Current historical theory. A view from the “relationships with the past”

  • Daniel Ovalle Pastén Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello, Universidad de Valparaíso-CHILE
Keywords: theory of history, relations with the past, historicity


The article is a synthetic review of the current discussions of historical theory from three thematic axes. In the introduction, it problematizes what is understood today by historical theory, then in the second section it develops what the main tendencies are and, finally, it discusses the notion “relationships with the past” of the theorist Herman Paul to argue that the historical theory fulfills a relevant work when it comes to understanding the own historicity of the discipline.


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How to Cite
Ovalle Pastén, D. (2019). Current historical theory. A view from the “relationships with the past”. Autoctonía. evista e iencias ociales istoria, 3(1), 16-27.
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