Cuba, and obstacle to Latin American participation in the Non-Aligned Movement? (1961-1984)

  • German Alburquerque Instituto de Historia, Universidad de Valparaíso-CHILE
  • Diego Hernández Alvarado Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins-Chile
Keywords: Cuba; Non-Aligned Movement; Cuban Revolution; Foreign policy; Latin America; Third World


This article addresses the question of whether Cuba was a bane or boon to the participation of Latin American nations in the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). Based on archival research in the Cuban chancellery, this article demonstrates the passive influence and active steps taken by Cuba under the framework of the Non-Alignment, in order to control the presence of the Latin American group within the body of the organization. In this way, we demonstrate the concept of the Non-Alignment that was articulated by Cuba, and discuss the primacy of pragmatic or ideological criteria in the management of its foreign policy.


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How to Cite
Alburquerque, G., & Hernández Alvarado, D. (2019). Cuba, and obstacle to Latin American participation in the Non-Aligned Movement? (1961-1984). Autoctonía. evista e iencias ociales istoria, 3(1), 54-67.