About the Journal

Autoctonía. Journal of Social Sciences and History, is edited by the Center for Historical Studies (CEH), under the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Academic vice-rectory, at the Bernardo O'Higgins University. It aims to foster specialized and innovative research in the fields of history and the social sciences, through research that renews and deepens the mutual dialogue about past and present social phenomena. We especially encourage interdisciplinary work and the contributions of other disciplines as applied to the study of social and historical reality. The journal embodies a pluralistic Latin American ethos in aiming towards a deeper integration of the peoples and nations of the continent.

Autoctonía aims to be an academic and scientific space for the reflection and dissemination of ideas and debates regarding the social, historical, political, cultural and economic conditions of Latin American societies.

Autoctonia only receives financial support from the publishing institution, Bernardo O'Higgins University. Publications do not require an article processing charge.

Publishing institution

The Center for Historical Studies (Centro de Estudios Históricos, CEH), under the Directorate of Research and Doctorates of the Vice-Rectory for Public Engagement and Research, at the Bernardo O’Higgins University.


To provide a space for the discussion, reflection, and dissemination of scientific and academic research conducted in the Latin American disciplinary fields of history and the social sciences.

The journal’s intended audience

Professors, researchers, professionals and students in the fields of history and the social sciences, as well as disciplines such as sociology, social work, anthropology, psychology, education, law, economics, communications, etc.

Organization of the journal

• Volume and respective number: starting with Volume 1, Number 1.

• Editorial introduction of the number and/or special issue.

• Scientific articles based on research (these will undergo a two-step review process: First, by the Editorial Committee, to assess their thematic relevance and if the manuscripts have been prepared according to the journal guidelines. Second, they will be sent for external peer review – a double blind system – to be accepted for publication, accepted with revisions, or rejection). The journal works with a pool of external reviewers, that is, those who are external to the journal’s editorial committee and the publishing institution. The journal accepts co-authored articles with a maximum of five authors. Collective or corporate authors will not be accepted.

Articles will consist of two types:

- Special issues (on a specific topic proposed by the Editorial Committee).

- Individual articles, for the miscellaneous section (on any other topic relevant to history and the social sciences.)

• Documents: Texts of testimonial value.

• Reviews: Review and critical analysis writings of a recent academic publication in the social sciences and humanities area. In this case the texts will be revised only by the editorial committee for its approval and inclusion in the journal.

Publication frequency

• Two issues per year, January and July.

Publication languages

• Articles and documents in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese

· Reviews in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese

Peer review process

The authors will send their articles through the journal's platform. The articles received will be preliminarily evaluated by the editorial committee to determine if they meet the formal requirements and if they fit the theme of the journal. Once this procedure has been completed, two external referees will be sent anonymously to the Bernardo O'Higgins University (experts with a doctor's degree, preferably). The evaluations that they issue will also be sent to the authors anonymously (double-blind evaluation system). Articles approved -in first or second instance- by both referees will be published. In case of discrepancy between two evaluators, the evaluation of a third party will be requested. The Editorial Committee will make the final decision about the publication of the manuscript. The process will take between two and five months.

Open access policy

The journal will be available at no charge (open access) via the online platform, that is, the full version of the articles will be available in PDF format on the website and in the respective bibliographic indices and databases where the journal is indexed and archived.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). 


Authors who have publications with this journal agree to the following terms:
-The authors shall retain their copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication of their work, which shall simultaneously be subject to the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International). The use of this material is permitted for non-commercial purposes as provided by the creator/s and the attributions granted to the publisher. Derivatives of this version are NOT permitted.
-Authors may adopt other non-exclusive license agreements for distribution of the published version of the work (e.g., deposit it in an institutional telematic archive or publish it in a monographic volume) as long as the initial publication in this journal is indicated.

Fees to authors

Revista Autoctonía does not require any charge for the publication or processing of the articles presented by the authors. Autoctonía is financed only with resources from the publishing institution, Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins, and does not charge authors or institutions at any time or stage of the publishing process.

Autoctonía is edited and compiled in Santiago de Chile.

The journal adheres to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Evaluation (DORA)

The articles published in Autoctonía are abstracted or indexed in:

Latindex (Catalogue 2.0 and Directory), SCOPUSSCIELO ERIH-PLUSROAD; Crossref;  REDIB; CLASE, DIALNET, DOAJ,Autoctonía Journal is incorporated into the Portal of Chilean Academic Journals, Information Services and Libraries Directorate (SISIB) - University of Chile.